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1 min read

How Matt Finch Feels His Best In 7 Weeks At Stark!


Follow along with our very own student Matt Finch's journey to better health! As a 40 year old struggling with his health, Matt knew it was time to make a lifestyle change. As a father of a five year old and a newborn baby girl, he wanted to improve his health to guarantee that he will be around to watch his children grow.

When he came to Stark he knew it was nothing like anything he had experienced before. Stark provided Matt with a framework built off accountability and education to bring his doctors, chiropractors, and trainers together. Now over 65 pounds down, Matt has greater mental clarity, sharper at work, more energy, more time for his family, faces challenges in a positive way, feels physically stronger, and gets out of bed every day with a spring in his step! He can cope with stress and challenges better in his life. He is the happiest he has ever felt in his home life and work life.

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Have you ever wondered why you can't stop eating even when you know you're full? Or why do you still want to snack after a big meal? Ghrelin and...

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The Reality and Pitfalls of Fat Loss

It’s no secret, fat loss is one of the greatest challenges men and women face during their health journey. Unlike gaining weight, shredding the...

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